Wellington Chinese History Wiki
Wellington Chinese History Wiki


“Practical Sympathy,” New Zealand Times, November 6, 1908, Volume XXX, Issue 6660 edition, Page 3, accessed October 29, 2021, https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/NZTIM19081106.2.9.


At the last meeting of the Wellington Hospital Trustees it was announced that Chinese residents in Wellington had contributed £111 8s to the funds of the hospital.

Wong She and Yee Chong Wing each gave £5 5s; Joe Lee Bros, and Joe Kwong Lee, £4 4s; Sing Kee and Co., Sun on Tie, Wah Kee Bros., and Fan Foo, £3 3s; Sun Wah On, Kwong Tiy Chong, Kee Chong and Louis Kitt, £2 2s; Chong Wah, £2; Hop Tai, £1 10s; Wong Tong Fet, £1 5s; Tom See Chang, On Lee, Wong Koon, Sun On Kee, J. Wong Wah, Ying Lee, Fook Wah, Hop Fook Chong, Tony Lee, Fon Lee, Gee Wing, Chow Po, Ngan Kee, Ngan Gee, Fook Lee, Ah Poy, Sue Gow, Wong Suey, Sun Chong Kee, Sun Young Kee, Joe Quick, Jng She Som, Louis Lock, Wing Lee, Wong Shang, each £1 1s; Sam Kee, Chao Loo, Yee Hing, Sing Kee Chan, Dong Jack Yep, £1; Dye Som, Wah Shing. 10s 6d: Ah Lum (Petone), Kum Shing, Wah Chong, Loung Wah, Won Lee, Sam Wah, Yee Lee (fruiterer), Yee Lee (laundry), Hop Lee, Sing Lee, Wong Kong, Mong Shing, Hoo Kee, Yee Shing, Mow Lee, Wong Chang, Kwong Mong Lee, Wong Lin Home, Wong Too (Petone), Sue Kum Ho, Wong Chew Kong, Wong Jim Que, Wong Wah, Low Kong, Low Tse Loung, Wong Sheck Poy, Wong Fo Som, Lovy Hong Kitt, Ngan Fare, Joe Kai, Wah Lee, each 10s; Fong Lee, Wing Hong, Young Gee, Yong Choeng Moat, Young Wai, Ngan Chum, Wong Ying Kow, Geo Geh, Tom Kone, George Chong, Lou Choy Quin, Young Lin Kong. Lou Kump, Joe Ngao, Chai Kew, Jng You Hum, Chin Tai, Gee Kone, Joe Mon, Chow Why Chee, Sue Sen Shing, Sue Yong, Jing Mont Choeng, Joe Kee, Kong Yong, Chi Gow, Wong Kone Yong, Chong Yee Chew, Joe Gow, Yee Shock Wah, Wong Gee Fan, Joe Wee, Chow Yum, Lok Cue Kong, Dong Hon, each 5s; Low Young, Yep Dick, 4s: Kong Loong, 3s 6d; Young Si So, Loung Gee Long, Loung Fook Ting, Young Mee Quin, Young Fet Chi, Young Seo Hum, Young Tai, Chang Hee, each 3s; On Kee, Jim Lee, Yee Hop, Sing You, Young Fare Ying, Ngan To, Lee Choy, Kong Yeu, Chaeng Tse, Chow Cholk, Dong Loome, Joe Chaeny Tai, Young Mong, Sue Hart, Joe Choy, Joe Jak, Chow Pai Hong, Loung Loome Kee, Low Kuang Kee, Low Que Chang, Joe Kon, Kong Li, Joe Soy, Wong Yee, Keng Jim, each 2s 6d; Kong Voy Fan, Kong Dick, Joe Kump, Young Low Gee, Joo Po, Lock Kone Fon, Low Wing Long, Sue Hoy, Jng Lok Ting, Som Gee, Joe Tang, each 2s.

  1. “Practical Sympathy,” New Zealand Times, November 6, 1908, Volume XXX, Issue 6660 edition, Page 3, accessed October 29, 2021, https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/NZTIM19081106.2.9.


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